The Restore Your Back Program is a 6 week Private tailor-made program, that teaches you how to relieve pain in your back and body using gentle, focused movements as well as self-massage techniques.


» Need to relieve tightness, stiffness and pain in and around their back or neck

» Suffer from sciatica, chronic pain or have been diagnosed with what is commonly called ‘non-specific back pain’ (no specific injury found as a cause)

» Have recently finished or is undergoing treatment with a therapist who have recommend they continue/start to move and strengthen their core to stay pain free 

» Would like a program that takes their individual needs into account

» Are ready to be actively involved in improving how they feel and want to learn how to relieve their own back pain naturally – no more popping pills to mask the pain!

» Want to be guided by a highly experienced Movement Instructor specialising in relieving aches and pains  

This program is taught privately in my home studio in Ley Hill, Chesham.

No body is the same


Body Assessment

Prior to starting this program you will be invited to attend a Body Assessment session with me. In this session we discuss and review your medical history, assess your body’s individual strengths and weaknesses and determine your specific goals. Following this assessment I design a bespoke 6 session program for you.

6 Session Program

You will attend 6 weekly private sessions with me, each lasting 1hr.Each session will start with a short review of how your body has been since our last session. This will not only inform our session in terms of the exercises we progress with but will also give you the opportunity to reflect on if there is anything in your everyday life that has been contributing to your pain and that needs to be adjusted. This could be things such as your seated posture, lifting techniques or other daily habits specific to you that is negatively impacting your body and that you need help to change.  

Maximising your results

You will also be given a few simple exercises to do at home between sessions to help maximise your results. Little and often is much better than longer sessions in terms of building core strength and mobility, particularly when building up strength whilst minimising any pain.


Body Assessment:  £67

6 Sessions: £380 (pre-paid in full or in two instalments of £190)